Top Urgent Care Center in the US - Locations Research


Nowadays, the US is spending 17.9% of their GDP on the Healthcare sector in the year 2020 as well as will increase this share in the future. In the USA, there is a rapid growth of Urgent Care Centers that provide high-quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare services to millions of individuals every year.

We are researching the best Urgent Care Centers locations that are operated by MedExpress, America Family Care, Concentra, Tenet Health, NextCare, Aurora, FastMed, & Ascension Health.

Facts & Figures

  • Concentra is one of the biggest Urgent Care Providers with over 518 Locations in the USA. MedExpress has around 286 Urgent Centers in the USA.
  • 11.5% of the Care Centers are located in Texas.
  • Most of the Urgent Care Centers are located in Southern & Midwestern State.

About Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers are known as the Walk-in clinics that mainly offers medical treatment for illness and wounds in the ambulatory medical facilities outside a conventional hospital for the emergency department. They are like the Retail Health Clinics operated by Walgreens CSV and Walmart. They make healthcare convenient by positioning centers in various places, where people are used to work, shop, as well as live.
During the Covid-19 epidemic, emergency rooms were one of the busiest places, with lesser staff and overloaded by serious cases that need speedy attention. The market of Urgent Care is worth $28 billion and covid-19 centers have helped to add development because Americans are on top in doing Covid-19 tests in the Urgent Care Centers.

Urgent Care CentersAvailable In The USA

There are around 1,470 Urgent Care Centers and 8 Health Operations in the USA. Concentra is one of the biggest Urgent Center Care providers with 518 different locations in 41 different states with MedExpress having 286 as well as NextCare having 138 locations respectively.

Urgent Care Centers are not run by clinics or health organizations. A typical hospital is smaller and they can adjust new technologies easily, quickly, and more effectively. It includes digital records, conferencing, & a patient portal – where you can adapt the health data ownership as well as provides a superior patients’ experience.

Concentra Urgent Care

Around 518 Concentra Urgent Care Centers are operated in 41 different states of the USA with Texas having 22, Colorado having 21, and Illinois having 16 Urgent Care Centers respectively.
About 90% of the Concentra Urgent Care Centers provide professional healthcare services like Drug Screening, Physical & Injury Therapy, and Physicals.

MedExpress Urgent Care

Around 286 MedExpress Urgent Care Centers are available in 21 states in the USA with Pennsylvania having 57, West Virginia having 29, as well as Florida having 28 Urgent Care Centers respectively.

MedExpress is the Urgent Care Center that helps you to provide accurate walk-in treatments for Wellness Tests, Illnesses, Injuries, and Employee Health Services. MedExpress growth is up to 70% having over 250 centers open in the past 5 years.

American Family Urgent Care

Around 184 American Family Urgent Care Centers are there in over 27 states in the USA with Massachusetts (21), New Jersey (15), and South Carolina (15) having the maximum Urgent Care Centers respectively.

NextCare Urgent Care

Around 138 NextCare Urgent Care Centers are situated in 10 states in the USA with Arizona having 43, Texas having 40, and Oklahoma having 23 Urgent Care Clinics respectively.
NextCare provides you general Urgent Care Services together with different retail centers like Lab Testing, Immunization, and Pediatrics. They provide healthcare facilities at very low costs.

Tenet Health Urgent Care

Tenet Health runs Urgent Care Centers in different 105 locations in 9 different states with Florida having 42, Texas having 23, and California having 17 Urgent Centers respectively.

FastMed Urgent Care

Around 104 FatMed Urgent Care Centers are there in the USA located in 3 states – North Carolina having 55, Arizona having 29, and Texas having 19 respectively.
FastMed provides different types of services. Over 80% of the FastMed clinics offer Physicals, Digital X-Ray, and laboratories. FastMed also provides advanced services like Sports Tablets, Family Medicine, and Woman’s Health.

Ascensions Health Urgent Care

About 99 Ascension Urgent Health Centers are available in 10 states in the USA with Wisconsin having 28, Indiana having 15, and Florida having 13 clinics respectively. Ascension has the biggest Health Care System with over 2,000 places included.

States With Top Urgent Care Centers

Texas is having maximum Urgent Care Centers in over 170 locations with California having 129 and Florida having 124 centers respectively.
There are many other states like Montana, Idaho, and South Dakota and that don’t have any Urgent Care Centers.

Covid-19 Effects On Urgent Care Centers

Many health centers have retail clinics businesses in terms of the Urgent Care. If you have access to Health Care Services, you can directly contact doctors for personal care, which is the most important for the young generation that goes to the clinic daily. Amazon is soon going to open Health Care Centers particularly for warehouse laborers, their families, and extended Amazon Care together with Pharmacy facilities.


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