Total Kroger Stores In The USA 2021 – Location Analysis

There is a total of 3,242 Kroger stores by state situated in the USA (as of Feb 2021) that makes it the 2nd biggest retailer as Walmart is in the 1st place. They are the only chain that can able to provide Amazon-supported Whole Foods some competition when comes to total stores. Brief Insights There are 3,242 Kroger locations by state in the US. California is the state having maximum stores of Kroger Company with 303 stores. Kroger stores are the biggest in the Southern and Midwestern United States. Los Angeles is a city having 38 Kroger stores, the most number of stores in a city. The biggest chains under the Kroger Company include Kroger with 1,348 stores, Harris Teeter with 250 stores, and Little Clinic with 225 stores respectively. Kroger Company’s Store Locations Map Kroger stores by the state are situated in 38 different states having store locations focused in the Southwest and Midwestern regions in the USA. Associated with the competitors, they are having a lo...